Thursday, May 28, 2009

Growth in Thought, Word and Deed

Message by Peter Shankar

Compiled by Joel So

Mr. Peter spoke about the statement above revealing many interesting ideas throughout his entire sermon. “Growth in Thought, Word and Deed” combined together is actually Spiritual Growth. All of us Christians must grow spiritually and physically. We cannot grow without maintaining this balance, or we would be thrown of course of the path which God has set for each one of us.

Our earthly body can be divided into 3 sections, mainly the Spirit, Soul and Body. Spiritual aptitude, psychological aptitude and physical aptitude are all under these sections, they all play an important part during our walk on Earth.

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Prompting Pull

Of God’s <<< Spirit <<< Mind <<< Will >>> Emotions >>> Human Nature >>> of the Spirit Lower Nature

While this diagram explains the battle of tug-of-war between the prompting of God’s Spirit and The lower nature. These forces pull against our spirit, mind, will, emotions and our sinful human nature. Conflicting, decisions, emotions, thoughts all play about all these areas. Whether we choose to follow God’s Spirit or the lower nature, that’s our choice. We MUST make the right decisions in our life, sometimes we are stuck in a sticky situation and are tempted to do wrong. Whatever the problem is… Remember the prompting of God’s Spirit. If you are still not sure or have doubts on your choice… Always PRAY… Prayer is your most powerful weapon in your fight against sin.

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Mr. Peter also stressed on youth’s who think they are making the right decisions but to find out eventually that they were deceived by Satan to allow the Word of God to saturate their mind, so it will wash out thoughts which oppose the Scriptures. For the more you read the Word of God, the more you will be like Jesus for you have the Word of God hidden in your heart, and don’t just memorize the Scriptures, USE it in your daily life. Utilize it to the maximum. In doing this we shall reap the abundant life God wants us to have.

Lastly he concluded with a list of areas which the youth of today struggle with:

  1. Self (Romans 6)
  2. Dating (James 1:13-15)
  3. Clothes (Philipians 4:19)
  4. Money (Matthew 6:19-21)(Malachi 3:10-11)
  5. Knowledge (Collosians 2:8)
  6. Friends (Matthew 5:11-12)(1 Peter 3:10-14)
  7. Music (Collosians 3:16-17)
  8. Future (Hebrews 12:1-4)
  9. Health (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
  10. Reputation (1 Cor 8:4-13)(James 1:1-4)
  11. Time (Romans 14:16-23)

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That concludes Mr. Peter’s sermon for that day.