Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Youth Camp 2009 Promo!


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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Unpacking God’s Word

Message by Michael Gong

Notes compiled by Sarah Chen

The Bible
What use is a gift box left unopened?
Unpacking means opening the box, and finding the gift inside it. Just like the Bible.

3 Ways To Unpack The Bible

1. Learn some Jewish history and culture

  • To know something, we gotta know the background first.
  • Jonah 1:1-4 = Jonah ran away to Nineveh to "get away" from God, because if he didn't he afraid he might suffer at Nineveh.
  • When we have more choices, God becomes only ONE of those choices.
  • If we want the application, we must unpack it! Then the bible comes in, as reference.
  • The more we do, the more chances we get to hear His voice.

2. Look up and look down!

  • In short, read up the whole passage when we read the bible.
  • Do not just pluck out verses out randomly, just because its related to a situation your facing at the moment.
  • Verses come together, connected from top to bottom.
  • By just plucking out one verse, the meaning could be totally different when it's put together with the verses before after it.

3. Irony

  • Sometimes what we expect it not that we get.
  • There are many things we have yet to know about.
  • The book of Jonah shows some similarities of Jonah's situations and Jesus.

So in conclusion, the Bible is a gift to us, but many don't use it in full yet. One of the way to grow is through God's word.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Photos – 17 January 2009